Behold the Beholder

Behold the Beholder

Behold the Beholder

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” … also it seems at times in the words and actions of the beheld. I don’t know about you but I have watched peoples looks transform before my eyes in an instant, I have watched people who at once seemed physically attractive become unattractive in an instant based on their actions or words from their mouth. And I have seen people that were otherwise not particularly physically beautiful become simply gorgeous based on the same. This has always been my proof that what we see in this world is so strongly influenced by our perception. So if my perception can transform what I see, is beauty really in my eye? Because if that were true then something beautiful would always be beautiful and something ugly would always stay ugly. I think ultimately the best thing we can do for ourselves and the world is to have a self awareness that seeks to amplify beauty, amplify kindness, generosity, acceptance. Its so important to be aware of how we perceive the world around us as well as in an awareness of how our actions and words are perceived by others. I believe where there is ugliness as the beholder there is an opportunity to see the potential for transformation. Transformation is redemption. Every ugly thing that has happened to us in life, every mistake we have made there is ALWAYS a chance for redemption. I have seen people transform what was garbage into beautiful artwork. I have seen what was abandoned as useless re-purposed into something that serves many. I personally have experienced my pain transformed into empathy. So I’d like to rephrase “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” to clarify it a little. i have always understood it to mean this in the first place. “Beauty is in the beholders ability to see it.” I think beauty is actually in the heart of the beholder. I think the heart transforms and controls what the eye see’s. So if you want to be beautiful, truly beautiful appeal to the heart. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

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